Wednesday 18 February 2009

Stupid shower doors...

Today started out like any other. I was woken at the crack of dawn (9AM) by the insistant ringing from my alarm clock. It's one of those old style ones with the little bell and hammer. It really is fantastically irritating! I stumbled to the shower chucking my green towel over the rail and starting the water. My shower is not like normal showers, with the fun patterned curtains. Oh no! It's the stupid type with the stupid glass doors that get stupidly stuck when it gets wet. Not exactly a great quality in a shower door is it? Once I was under the hot spray I shut the door. Properly.

I didn't notice at first and scrubbed away whilst singing my head off (not well I might add!) I have the best shower gel ever! It's the Lime Original Source one and it makes you smell like the green Jelly Babies. What more can you want?! Turning around it was then that I realised to horrible truth. Dread trickled down my spine as I attempted to tug the door open to no avail. I started to panic, looking longingly at my fluffy towel on the other side of the stupid stuck shower door. Scowling I grabbed the door with both hands and...


The handle broke off, but it was open! Thanking my lucky stars I grabbed my towel and made a hasty exit.

Stupid 9AM starts. Stupid shower door.