Saturday 18 September 2010

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Monday 23 February 2009

Why I think old people are ace -->

This is my tribute to the over 60's because I was bored and I found a funny picture of an old lady...
BEHOLD! The mighty Mobility-Jetski!

I want one for my birthday... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASEEEE???!


There’s something strange about the elderly,
It could be their silver hair,
It could be that they smell of wee,
Or perhaps their liking of rocking chairs.

They moan and groan, and huff and puff,
About the programmes on the telly,
Until you’ve had more than enough,
There’s something strange about the elderly.

You have to watch out for their scooters,
Flooring the pedal with naff slippers they wear,
Racing each other and hooting their hooters,
It could be their silver hair.

They always talk about ‘back in the day’.
When things only cost a few P,
Oh how they wish it’d stayed that way,
It could be that they smell of wee.

To me old people are ace,
Like a pair of 70’s flares,
It could be the grin on their wrinkly face,
Or perhaps their liking of rocking chairs.

P.S. I don't actually think old people smell of wee, don't hurt me!